Wasn't sure whether to create a Mourinho thread or one for Chelsea in general but given the former will soon be out of a job for a while I opted for the latter. Matthew Syed rips him apart beautifully in this piece but I think he's giving their players too much credit if he thinks they are actively revolting against him because of him being a piece of shit:


ah, it's good to have a dedicated dumping ground to laugh at those cunts. their 'performances' this season deserve it's own thread

I'm convinced Mourinhos antics last week were him wanting to be sacked. He knows he's in the shit and the longer he stays there the more people will remember it. If he's sacked now he'll be the league winning manager who Abramovich sacked after 8 games the following season.

Don't really buy that. I think Moron desperately wants to stay actually, and that's what it sounded like. Firstly, he is despised by journos and Real Madrid fans in Spain and was hounded out by Real Madrid. The situation was very similar in Italy with Inter. At Chelsea he is revered by the fans, and the English journos are different; for some reason they think he is amusing, and he certainly makes their lives easier. He practically writes their stories for them. Secondly, I think he is desperate to build something lasting, to leave a proper legacy. I think it frustrates him no end that Wenger is held in such high esteem despite moderate on field success in the last decade. He is moron, but he isn't stupid; he is well aware of how Wenger has transformed Arsenal, and how he revolutionized English football. He is also no doubt aware that he hasn't done anything close to that, and I think he desperately wants it. Chelsea is by far his best shot at this IMO, and I am convinced Moron sees it the same way.

I think Syed has it wrong—Mourinho is a high maintenance short lifespan manager, but it's not Mourinho, it's Abramovich who's the key to Chelsea culture.

He's the one who's ensured that not one of several highly successful managers they've had has been able to stay on and build something.

And though I'd relish it it's frankly ridiculous that Mourinho's on the edge of being sacked. If he had support they'd very likely rebuild to a top four position, and he has just won the league.

It would be ridiculous and knee jerk to sack him based on the results, but I reckon it's perfectly justified based on how he's carried himself this season.

I don't think it'd be a surprise and no one would cry.

End of the day though it's Abramovich who's the cancer in chief at that club.

Yeah, with Mourinho's history of imploding and moving on and Roman's trigger happy approach that saw both a double winner and a CL winner sacked in months, the idea that Mourinho is going to stay there and build a dynasty seems incredibly far fetched.

Well, from what Moron has described, then he was hired to do just that, and he was tasked to bring more young players through. If you know that you run the risk of being sacked at the first sign of a downturn in results, then both those objectives are going to be very difficult to achieve.

Burnwinter wrote:

He's the one who's ensured that not one of several highly successful managers they've had has been able to stay on and build something.

I'll give you Ancelotti, but who else do you see as a competent (successful or not) manager who didn't deserve sacking?

Mourinho's response to Capello's recent remarks

Speaking to Gazzetta dello Sport, Mourinho said: “I read what Capello said: I think a coach with his story had better talk about football without comment on the work of his colleagues.

“I could have commented on his job as coach for England or the Russian one, and I never did. Because I prefer to respect the negative moments of my colleagues.


I don't understand why no so called journalist out there has the balls to call his bullshit, I reckon you'd get some recognition as the guy who made Mourinho spazz out.

otfgoon wrote:

Mourinho's response to Capello's recent remarks

Speaking to Gazzetta dello Sport, Mourinho said: “I read what Capello said: I think a coach with his story had better talk about football without comment on the work of his colleagues.

“I could have commented on his job as coach for England or the Russian one, and I never did. Because I prefer to respect the negative moments of my colleagues.



Also seems like all of Mourinho's contemporaries think he's a dick.

jones wrote:

I don't understand why no so called journalist out there has the balls to call his bullshit, I reckon you'd get some recognition as the guy who made Mourinho spazz out.

Why would you bite the hand that feeds you?

Wait, there's a suggestion that Mou has been hard done by at Chelsea and is unsupported?
It's somehow Abramovich's fault that Chelsea have collapsed?
I don't think so.

Is it true that José gets an insane amount of money if he gets sacked by Chelsea? (well ok it was The Star that said he'll get £37.5m)
Maybe that's his game.
He knows he'll get another big job so why stick around to rebuild when he can amass a fortune by moving on.

Out of the big leagues, he is largely despised everywhere, except for in England. Well, he is despised here too, but the press tolerate him. Germany is the exception, because he hasn't managed there yet, but the only club I can see him being interested in managing there is Bayern, and I don't think they would ever go for someone like Moron. Truth is, he is running out of places to go.

jones wrote:

I'll give you Ancelotti, but who else do you see as a competent (successful or not) manager who didn't deserve sacking?

Did Ranieri and Grant really deserve the sack? So that makes three. And of course arguably Mourinho himself the first time around.

y va marquer wrote:

Wait, there's a suggestion that Mou has been hard done by at Chelsea and is unsupported?
It's somehow Abramovich's fault that Chelsea have collapsed?

That's not what I wrote at all. What I meant was—the capricious culture at Chelsea created by Abramovich is why people think it's likely Mourinho may be sacked. It certainly places additional pressure on the man at this point.

He'll have plenty of clubs to head to as long as there's billionaires desiring immediate success.

I have no doubt Man City, Juventus, Inter Milan, and plenty of other top clubs would have him back. Shit, Porto would welcome him home too.

Well, since his Porto days Moron has only been interested in the best and richest club in each country. He is running out of clubs that would appeal to him I would think.