innervisionscm wrote:
otfgoon wrote:

For the sake of comparison, 07/08 side people seem to love:


You put 2007 Adebayor in front of this team and it wins the PL. World-class strikers win you the most points and we don't really have one.

It's also what can happen when you don't get slaughtered with injuries from game one. Imagine what our lot now could do with our best players playing 30+ league games each?

Cech said that the decision was clear once Wenger spoke to him about his ambitions for the team. Madness incoming??!?!

Really pleased with this one. What a top keeper. He will bring more solidity to the team. We don't lose games like we did to Swansea with him there.

One more top defensive minded midfielder and we're done.

Best thing about Cech is you know he won't get flustered in the big games

Asterix wrote:

Really pleased with this one. What a top keeper. He will bring more solidity to the team. We don't lose games like we did to Swansea with him there.

One more top defensive minded midfielder and we're done.

we could also use a top quality striker..  but hey

Definitely earned the right to be called a big game player.

Tam wrote:

This is one of the few signings from a rival that I can actually get excited about and not feel the player coming in is in somehow tainted by his previous club. Chelsea, United, Spurs, even Liverpool, signing players from any of those clubs just doesn't or wouldn't sit well with me. I don't know why but with Cech it's different.

Guess it's because though he is one of their legends, he has only ever come across as a top quality player and model professional. Not some despicable cunt like if it was Suarez or Terry or someone like that. And they didn't really want to lose him, and certainly not to us. It feels like we're getting someone who is still top quality. Not like someone like Silvestre or Welbeck who they couldn't throw at us fast enough.

Great signing.

Well done Arsenal. On our way to elite club status if we continue this way.

y va marquer wrote:

Kike Marin** (@Kike_Marin_) tweeted at 7:07 p.m. on Mon, Jun 29, 2015:
@Arsenal #Arsenal Chelsea and Cech closed their agreements without Mourinho knew. He didn't want to reinforce gunners

Jesus you could at least learn some fucking English if you want to play ITK.

Cut him some slack, jones. He's named Kike. Safe to say that life has thrown one or two punches his way already.

@lorddulaarsenal wrote:

Best thing about Cech is you know he won't get flustered in the big games

Absolutely. Great signing. 

If you'd told me a few years ago that we'd have Ozil, Sanchez and Cech playing for us I'd have called the men in white coats to give you a visit! this is a great signing, a proven quality keeper between the sticks.

Ricky1985 wrote:
innervisionscm wrote:

You put 2007 Adebayor in front of this team and it wins the PL. World-class strikers win you the most points and we don't really have one.

It's also what can happen when you don't get slaughtered with injuries from game one. Imagine what our lot now could do with our best players playing 30+ league games each?

Which was what happened to that side isn't it? Rosicky injured, RvP injured.. many players suffered injuries here and there resulting in the likes of Senderos, Eboue (RW), Hoyte, Song, Denilson, Gilberto (in defence), Diaby (LW) all playing. The amount of injuries and lack of depth in the squad costed us badly.

Of course it will look stupid if you are comparing to the side now and how the players of that season faltered subsequently, but make no mistake Gallas, Fabregas, Hleb, Adebayor, Van Persie, Rosicky were top players at that time. Clichy, Sagna, Flamini, Toure also had excellent seasons.

USArsenal wrote:
Asterix wrote:

Really pleased with this one. What a top keeper. He will bring more solidity to the team. We don't lose games like we did to Swansea with him there.

One more top defensive minded midfielder and we're done.

we could also use a top quality striker..  but hey

I thought that too but I can't see where we would get one from. Will have to rely on Theo hitting 20 in an injury free season...

Stoked with this.
Welcome to the club - game on.

USArsenal wrote:

Wife to Me: "oh, you got helmet boy after all, good"



innervisionscm wrote:
otfgoon wrote:

For the sake of comparison, 07/08 side people seem to love:


You put 2007 Adebayor in front of this team and it wins the PL. World-class strikers win you the most points and we don't really have one.

Adebayor was never world class. He was just a very good fit in that side. 

otfgoon wrote:
innervisionscm wrote:

You put 2007 Adebayor in front of this team and it wins the PL. World-class strikers win you the most points and we don't really have one.

Adebayor was never world class. He was just a very good fit in that side. 

True this...

HOWEVER - put a fully healthy and in his prime RvP in this side.. well...  whole different story

A fully healthy, in his prime RVP was a very short lived thing.

Also true.. was what, all of 2-3 seasons?