• The Arsenal
  • Home to Man Utd Sat 22nd 5:30pm GMT - before a cyanide cocktail

What's the chant?

The fans must know that Wenger is not going to leave before May 2017, Biggus. What's the point?

12 matches and 15(!!!) points behind Chelsea. This is a joke.

4 wins out of 12 is an awful return.

Burnwinterâ„¢ wrote:
Gazza M wrote:

Utter disgrace. This is equal to the 8-2

Second that.

Can't wait for Wenger's post match interview, I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation for all this.

What would you know, you're not a manager.

MistaT wrote:

Cue Y va "it's not all bad we played well" apology.

What are you on about?
Take your shit out on somebody else, please.

"A lot of fans have given up hope" - no, we've just been served the same shit too many times.

They say that history repeats itself first as tragedy and then as farce. We got both combined.

😆 De Maria is shit.

Oh wait.....

Oh come on Di Maria!!! Put that in you twonk, at least give me some fantasy points.

Who pussied out of that to let them have it?

qs! wrote:

8 minutes WTF?

Was thinking time for a 3rd, and di Maria shows the difference between a striker and a midfielder in front of goal.

Now it's Di Maria's turn to pity us.

y va marquer wrote:
MistaT wrote:

Cue Y va "it's not all bad we played well" apology.

What are you on about?
Take your shit out on somebody else, please.

Think we can still catch Chelsea?

Santi looks like a fat 40 yr old playing Sunday league.

Di Maria's been shit for a couple of months now.

This ones on the players more than the manager, awful miss from Wilshere, Ramset coasting along, and the rest just running round like headless chickens. Only Sanchez was useful.

qs! wrote:

Who pussied out of that to let them have it?
