The FIFA run one has finally opened for squad selection so have set up a league.

Register here:

Go to My Leagues and search for 'OMITT' and the password is gunners.

Usual kind of thing. Have to select a squad of 23 including 3 goalkeepers, 7 defenders, 8 midfielders and 5 forwards, with a budget of 100 million. Lineups last for each round of games and there are no transfers in the group stage once your initial squad is selected. There will be unlimited transfers for each knockout round. Full rules here:

Good luck!

joined. creating squad now.

It's quite difficult to fit 23 players into the budget! Same budget as for the Premier League one with similar player values but 8 more players to fit into the squad. Good challenge because you can't really pick too many of the big players.

invisibleman18 wrote:

It's quite difficult to fit 23 players into the budget! Same budget as for the Premier League one with similar player values but 8 more players to fit into the squad. Good challenge because you really pick too many of the big players.

I've gone for a very strong first 11 and have a terrible bench. ha.

Joined. This is really tough to fit a squad.

Started to make a team but then I really don't know which players are good or bad, who the definite starters are, who have tough groups etc. And that'd usually be fine because some fantasy football sites tell you the popular picks etc. but nothing like that exists. So then I just wanted to pick players I'd at least heard of, but I can't do that because the team would go over budget by £70m. Too stressful. Might try again tomorrow.

Too stressful 😆

Irish gunner wrote:

e: Love the rules for this btw, much better than the fantasy premier league rules

Really? I prefer the PL rules a lot. Less players, less margin for error and transfer(s) between rounds to correct mistakes. Also I'm not a fan of substitutions during the round rules as it favors picking players from the first groups since you can substitute them if they don't perform while you don't have that luxury with those from latter groups.

Anyways I'm in. Should be fun and its easier to maintain focus since its only few weeks instead of 9 months 🙂

Irish gunner wrote:

Done, really difficult to do a full squad! Thank fuck for the 1m Iranian, Algerian, and Honduran players 😆

e: Love the rules for this btw, much better than the fantasy premier league rules


Lets do this!

Joined, also went for a max level main squad and loads of crap on bench.

Exactly what I did as well, the price of players is pretty damned high though, basically every starting player from any team is high enough to make you say "well fuck it, might as well get Messi".

Dragan wrote:

Too stressful 😆

Irish gunner wrote:

e: Love the rules for this btw, much better than the fantasy premier league rules

Really? I prefer the PL rules a lot. Less players, less margin for error and transfer(s) between rounds to correct mistakes. Also I'm not a fan of substitutions during the round rules as it favors picking players from the first groups since you can substitute them if they don't perform while you don't have that luxury with those from latter groups.

Anyways I'm in. Should be fun and its easier to maintain focus since its only few weeks instead of 9 months 🙂

I meant the point scoring rules.

Points for tackles, crosses, etc. It means that a shrewd user can pick up some good points with less obvious players.

Right, sorted out the team. Difficult to fit a squad into budget so like the rest of you I've got a decent 11 and some Iran, Algeria and Honduras players on the bench!

Finally sorted out my team as well. Changed my team and formation so many times with all those players to choose from before deciding to go 4-4-2 for the first 3 rounds 🙂 Kinda surprised only 13 of us are playing, the premier league one had 3 times as many players.

How's it going so far? Got 112 points from my 11 players but I'm probably gonna take out Di Maria and Zabaleta who scored 5 pts each and hope the subs do better.
Also I think they made a complete mess of this with the design and the rules. You can change formation but not choose which player gets subbed out, Ramos and Pique got rewarded with 9 and 8 points for their "performance" making them one of the highest scoring defenders, playing on the phone with auto-save option is very risky as you can make unwanted changes etc.

Its a total mess. They update players scores randomly too so you can take out a player with a low score but when you come back he has an extra few points. The subs thing is crazy. The scoring makes very little sense. Its just a massive mess.

So far I'm on about 85 but hoping to bump that up with Ozil, DeBrunye and some Russians still to play.

97 points with 3 players to play.

flobaba wrote:

Casillas was my goalie. 🙁

😆 That should be an automatic -100 points.

a month later
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