FWIW, If it helps at all - I was in 7 queues in total this morning. Staggered the entry on them from around 08:55. By around 09:15, I was in all 7 queues, and each had an arrival time between 09:40 - 10:40 (I think). Then, around 09:25, the queue seemed to reset and went to the "making changes to site" message, and then automatically put me in the queue on each one (didnt put me into the ticketing portal like it used to at those expected times if you'd joined the pre-queue).
The earliest one I had loaded at around 08:55, then had an almost fully green bar at about 09:30. That then changed to 10:01 at launch, but kept pushing back a minute. Eventually I was in at 10:04, which gave me just enough time.