So happy today! As Biggus pointed out, it is nice to bicker about which goal was better as opposed to who fucked up for the goal/goals we conceded.
However, I think we need to lift this particular debate above just Arsenal. So, what is the best goal you have ever seen, and why, is the question. For me, the explanation is just as important as the goal, so don't come in here and just say which goal! Please.
For me, I am putting two goals into the mix. My first one, and second overall, is Roberto Carlos' freekick for Brazil v France. It is up there because it was something never seen before, and the way he hit the ball practically defied the laws of physics. He hits a ball headed for the corner flag, and it ends up in the back of the net.
My top goal ever is there for much of the same reason, and it is of course Bergkamp v Newcastle. Never seen before for sure, but it was calculated and just perfection down to the last detail.