And up pops a smiling Klaus Daimler.
What do you think of all this Klaus?
lagos wrote:
I criticise Wenger and the board a lot in relation to timid transfers....."Penny wise pound foolish" as Burnsy pointed out. I know it's easy now that we are awash with cash and one may argue they had no choice, nonetheless and however this plays out I should pause to commend them for finally showing some balls and ambition. I'm surprised they even went as high as 40m for such a player (by that I mean his baggage) so even if we fail with Suarez ( I can't fault them for refusing to pay a price I would not pay) this will go a long way to redeem our image as a club without ambition.
Et tu Lagos. 🙁
Commend them for finally spending?
What sorcery is this!
I accept now that this deal could really happen, I feel vindicated when I kept on saying that they had money and were hoarding it, so what was the point of letting Van Persie leave?
Something has changed at the club at executive level this indicates a power shift away from Wenger as I refuse to believe he agreed to this.
And yet I sympathise with him- This is not a great deal footballistically- It's the wrong player at the wrong time for the wrong price, he will cause us trouble and we will be indistinguishable from the other stinking rich clubs with their obnoxious players that we mock and the money could be much better spent.
If he fancies himself the messiah to save the poor tortured damned soul of Luis Suarez good luck to him......At least we'll sell some shirts in U-R-Gay.
But on the positive side I do think this is the beginning of the end for Wenger. 🙂