Mirth wrote:

I thought the first Thor was poor tbh.

The first Iron Man movie was the best of the lot (particularly given the subsequent impact it's had), followed by the Winter Soldier. The rest have ranged from mildly entertaining to boring.

I think the first Iron Man is decent and the other 2 are poor. Still think now I like Thor more than Iron Man.

Overall though I think the Marvel movies have improved as they've gone along. The recent ones are easily some of the best tent pole blockbusters of recent years.

Watched Good Will Hunting for the first time yesterday afternoon and it was really good, recommended if you haven't seen it. Sat down to look for a movie on Netflix and saw it had been recently added and I somehow hadn't managed to see it yet.

Had a Bridges double and watched True Grit and RIPD last night.

True Grit holds up pretty well, the attention to detail in the dialogue is outstanding and the characters are very watchable.

RIPD is an absolute clusterfuck, I don't know how it got made. So much epic lame.

True Grit is such an underrated film. Can't wait to see Bridges in Hell or High Water.

Hmm, yeah, that looks interesting but I thought Sicario (writer Taylor Sheridan's previous film) was vastly overrated and had a crummy script.

Watching Snowden. Shitting my pants.

Have to say I was put off by the Snowden trailer, and it's oddly made me more critical of Snowden. Lot of contrasting reports to his character out there and while many don't care about who he is, I do find myself intrigued by that as I think it's central to his ability to be pardoned.

Don't think he should've made the film, it looks quite bad. The Snowden story should always have been about what was leaked not the man that did it.

Probably better off watching Citizenfour.

Burnwinter wrote:

Had a Bridges double and watched True Grit and RIPD last night.

True Grit holds up pretty well, the attention to detail in the dialogue is outstanding and the characters are very watchable.

Segway wrote:

True Grit is such an underrated film. Can't wait to see Bridges in Hell or High Water.

Another movie i could not complete. Maybe its just me, but i found going slow and dull. May give it another try someday. Still better than 3:10 to Yuma though. That was laughably bad IMO

Qwiss! wrote:
Mirth wrote:

I thought the first Thor was poor tbh.

The first Iron Man movie was the best of the lot (particularly given the subsequent impact it's had), followed by the Winter Soldier. The rest have ranged from mildly entertaining to boring.

I think the first Iron Man is decent and the other 2 are poor. Still think now I like Thor more than Iron Man.

Overall though I think the Marvel movies have improved as they've gone along. The recent ones are easily some of the best tent pole blockbusters of recent years.

Thor is definitely better in my opinion. 

Big fan of the Marvel movies myself, they're usually quite immersive. Guardians of the Galaxy was great. 

This is pretty great if you haven't seen it yet. Hemsworth has good comic timing.

Really liked Magnificent Seven. Another good Denzel Washington film.

I just watched a trailer for a new M Night Shyamalan film called Split; a down-to-earth drama where a car full of teenaged girls get kidnapped by a man with 23 personality disorders. It took less than a minute before someone shouted: "He can change his body chemistry with his thoughts!"

I mean you just want to punch him in the mouth.

😆 Holy shit.

Shyamalan needs to don a hair shirt and spend a bit of time working as the junior creative partner of someone who can keep the reins of a premise and a story.

No country for old men was fantastic.

Next up Zodiac.

Klaus wrote:

I just watched a trailer for a new M Night Shyamalan film called Split; a down-to-earth drama where a car full of teenaged girls get kidnapped by a man with 23 personality disorders. It took less than a minute before someone shouted: "He can change his body chemistry with his thoughts!"

I mean you just want to punch him in the mouth.

That was the advert before most youtube videos about 2 months back. Looked good.

Watched Ghostbusters last night, childhood memories remain in tact. Other than that it was the sort of decent Hollywood comedy you'd expect from Paul Feig albeit with a bit more action. I thought Feig actually did really well incorporating the CGI stuff into the movie. Leslie Jones was disappointing but I thought the other 4 leads were all pretty funny.

Savz wrote:

No country for old men was fantastic.

Next up Zodiac.

Two great movies from one of the greatest ever years for film.

Just watched the magnificent seven. Quite a silly movie. I like such movies but this one was too long too.

Bone Tomahawk. Very cool and different western horror. Looks extremely good considering the small $1,8m budget. Cinematography is great, and there are memorable performances from Patrick Wilson, Kurt Russell, Richard Jenkins and even Matthew Fox. The scares are very effective because unlike what is usual, there's no use of music to telegraph or clue you in on when they are happening. Oh, and that death scene.

Ooh yeah, I'm into that Quince. I've got a copy to watch already I should cue it up.

It's an excellent film. Violent as hell though. Jenkins's rambling fool of a deputy was the best thing in it.

Savz wrote:

No country for old men was fantastic.

Next up Zodiac.

BIG favorite of mine. So so good!

The Magnificent Seven was a cheesy action movie without surprises, but it was fun. Kind of like expected from Fuqua, I thought The Equalizer and Shooter were fun as well. I'll honestly rather see these kind of movies on the big screen while I watch the Oscar bait dramas on my PC.

I saw The Magnificent Seven the other day. As you say, massive cheesefest but it had its good qualities. I felt they got the character chemistry slightly wrong—Ethan Hawke's "Goodnight" arc was a bit leaden—and some of the dialogue was hella anachronistic.

Had to google what anachronistic means, but yeah that seems right. The Goodnight arc was the worst, while D'Onofrio's lines were kind of repetitive even though he added some humor.

D'Onofrio's such a leg of ham. I liked him in Daredevil but I didn't that much like his ridiculous voice and demeanour in this film, though he wasn't a bother.

Washington and Chris Pratt held it together pretty well for mine. I wasn't too satisfied by the eventual revelation concerning Washington's motivations, but I enjoyed the final battle scene. The scene where two clueless bandits try to shake Faraday down was probably the highlight of the whole film.

Rewatched The King Of Comedy last night and absolutely loved it, every bit as good as I remembered it being. 

Quincy Abeyie wrote:

Bone Tomahawk. Very cool and different western horror. Looks extremely good considering the small $1,8m budget. Cinematography is great, and there are memorable performances from Patrick Wilson, Kurt Russell, Richard Jenkins and even Matthew Fox. The scares are very effective because unlike what is usual, there's no use of music to telegraph or clue you in on when they are happening. Oh, and that death scene.

Wasn't a fan. Started well but its poorly paced and I found none of the horror scary, just silly.

I can imagine many people not liking it. I agree about the pace to be fair.

If Nolan can find the balance between the human element of the guys on the beach waiting to be saved with the overarching bigger picture of the war and the strategic reasons for what happened we could have a classic on our hands. That probably won't be an easy task though. I feel like this movie will either be brilliant or very underwhelming.

Some haunting shots for sure, guy walking into the water and the reaction to hearing planes honing in on packed like sardines troops.

Some really good docu movies this month. Sully is really well written to delve deep into the pilot's mindset and Deep Water Horizon really kept me at the edge of my seat the entire time.

MistaT wrote:

"A screaming comes across the sky"

To be honest I'm pretty sure I'm going to hate this film after Interstellar.

Watched Spotlight recently. I enjoyed it a lot, thought it was a solid 7 or 8 out of ten. I don't think it's up there though with the best Best Picture Oscar winners. There wasn't a lot in the way of suspense. perhaps because we all know the terrible stories by now. Also there wasn't much in the way of character development - the key reporters had moments where it felt like something might develop but then not much did. And the "big reveal" about why documents had been buried by the newspaper years before didn't really do much either.

Watched Grimsby on the flight out to New York last weekend. Such a hoot

Burnwinter wrote:
MistaT wrote:

"A screaming comes across the sky"

To be honest I'm pretty sure I'm going to hate this film after Interstellar.

Don't worry, I think the bloke walking into the water will wake up at home...in his book case.