If Hollywood had guts they'd do that sequel: Edge of Yesterday, in which a deranged Cage with an experiential age of way over 100 years has to learn how to live through days he hasn't experienced before on an Earth racked by geopolitical crisis in the aftermath of the mimics' destruction.

Well Wilshere will be glad to hear I finally caught up with Captain America Winter Soldier so now I've seen all the Marvel movies (go me). It was ok for that sort of thing. Its still got an overlong not at all interesting enough final battle that of course evokes 911. I got a bit bored and started playing with my phone at that stage. All these Avengers films seem to be about 40 minutes longer than they should be.

That said it was interesting enough to tempt me to catch up on Agents of SHIELD again at some point.

😆 Jesus, I'll always be known as some Marvel fanboy, won't I? It's true that I have seen them all, but I only watch them at the cinema if they have good critics. When I compare Metacritic, RT and IMDB, I usually know what to expect, and more often than not my opinion of said movie doesn't differ too much. Considering the Marvel movies I do enjoy are the same as the ones that have gotten good critics, it seems logical that I don't like Marvel any more than they do.

Since you're tempted to catch up on Agents of SHIELD, these are spoilers for The Winter Soldier that might be relevant to your decision:
Agents of SHIELD is, as you probably have realized, pretty boring in the beginning. I don't know how long you watched, but it became good when The Winter Soldier came out. This changed the entire series, as SHIELD no longer exists. It seems to me they were waiting for that storyline, and didn't really think of anything meaningful to do in the meantime. They will regret just that, because they lost a lot of viewers that will never catch up again. I was close to quitting myself. For me the series was a 6/10 before the Winter Soldier came out, 7/10 after, and 8,5 in season 2.

Anyway, I've seen a couple of movies the last days.
Predestination was alright. Really liked the concept and mostly the execution, except for the end. The end could've been good, but didn't do it for me. 7/10 Spoilers: When we came to the "big reveal" that Ethan Hawke was in fact that girl who turned into a man, I sat there thinking I didn't understand it. The reality was that I thought we were supposed to understand this way earlier in the movie, and I can't imagine that many won't.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles... Bad acting, bad character designs, only one good action scene, and that was shown in the trailer. The villain was terrible. 4/10

Oh, and why are people raging over the light saber in the Star Wars trailer? Can't people see how practical it is?

The Star Wars trailer looks great to me. I feel like the last 3 are the David Moyes of movies. You need a buffer after greatness (ew yuck did I just say that) and now Abrams needs to only be adequate to get praise. Unlike LVG though Abrhams is doin the right thing, keeping it simple and giving us what we want.

I'm probably in an unusual position by watching Agents of SHIELD but somehow haven't seen any of the films after Iron Man 1! Probably missing out on lots of references so really need to catch up on the films.

Went and saw Interstellar on Saturday night. Was good although a quite long and a bit complicated when everything was eventually explained. A friend of mine raved about it and said it was better than The Dark Knight which is going a bit too far IMO.

The Force Awakens trailer looked good, but that's probably because we haven't been proffered any plot detail yet.

Name one JJ Abrams movie where the trailer wasn't far better than the final product! That's his signature.

Also a reminder of just how much of a godawful clusterfuck the prequels were.

I think the third prequel wasn't bad, the fight between Kenobi and Anakin was actually quite awesome.

All the prequels were utter chod, ever so marginally redeemed by a lightsaber duel. The duels in TPM and AotC are also decent.

They're terrible films. Train wrecks.

Didn't particularly like the duels in TPM and AotC. I also liked General grievous. I think it's easy to forget when one's talking about the prequels that the third one is quite highly regarded by a lot of people.

Burnwinter™ wrote:

Jurassic Park didn't blow me away in the 90s but it's held up surprisingly well. Neill, Dern, Goldblum and Attenborough are all good as are the kids.

Edge of Tomorrow was really pretty good. Wouldn't have minded a bit less alien-battling, but I liked it a lot. On a side note, Emily Blunt absolutely melts the screen in it.

Edge of tomorrow was great. Tom Cruise is a maniac, but he has the best filmography of all the big name actors.

Burnwinter™ wrote:

All the prequels were utter chod, ever so marginally redeemed by a lightsaber duel. The duels in TPM and AotC are also decent.

They're terrible films. Train wrecks.

I seem to be the only one who enjoyed them, more so than the originals. I wonder if it's because I watched them before the original trilogy and didn't have a clue where the story was heading. 

Interesting. I guess I grew up with IV-VI. I really hated the prequels from first viewing, all of them.

Kel Varnsen wrote:

Edge of tomorrow was great. Tom Cruise is a maniac, but he has the best filmography of all the big name actors.

It's an interesting question. Cruise, Crowe, Pitt, Bale, Di Caprio. 52 to 40 from oldest to youngest.

I think I'd give it to Cruise for now because he had such a good run from 85-95. The quality of his career's really tailed off since he became an action star.

Cage, Fassbender, Gosling and Mortenson are all developing pretty amazing resumes over time but their names aren't as big.

Probably missing someone (aside from the hordes of great actors who aren't big stars, and the guys who are well over 50 like Denzel Washington).

Finally watched "Interstellar" last Saturday.

Thought it was brilliant. Flawed a bit, but brilliant.
Not worth watching it again in cinema, but I'm definitely going to buy the Blu Ray next year.

otfgoon wrote:
Burnwinter™ wrote:

All the prequels were utter chod, ever so marginally redeemed by a lightsaber duel. The duels in TPM and AotC are also decent.

They're terrible films. Train wrecks.

I seem to be the only one who enjoyed them, more so than the originals. I wonder if it's because I watched them before the original trilogy and didn't have a clue where the story was heading. 

Wait, what?  :boris:

Burnwinter™ wrote:

Cage, Fassbender, Gosling and Mortenson are all developing pretty amazing resumes over time but their names aren't as big.

Probably missing someone (aside from the hordes of great actors who aren't big stars, and the guys who are well over 50 like Denzel Washington).

you missin Jake Hyyllenhaaael

Left Hanks out deliberately. Can't stand him!

If we are talking about actors who are still active, regardless of age, then Pacino is easily my favorite.

Pacino is massively overrated in my opinion, although he's a great actor in his way.

Perhaps, but I just love the little guy. He has charisma like no one else for me.