y va marquer wrote:
Did you actually assault the officer Captain?
Serious question?
No, I didn't assault a police officer 😆 . My record is squeaky clean.
Cutting a long story short, I was reporting a crime, got a little overzealous, got arrested (in the police station) for assaulting an officer, which in the space of 20mins was downgraded to resisting arrest and then drunk and disorderly (because they can stick that on you with literally no evidence) despite the fact that I was sober. Spent the night in the cell, went to court (as in Westminster all cases of drunk and disorderly go to court) and the judge threw it out and said it was a waste of his time. I'm still going through the complaints procedure now.
Pretty embarrassing, but basically, police do whatever they want and if I was just a simple layman without a big mouth, I could have been in serious trouble.