Mario scores.
Balotelli scores!
I'm calm, don't really care who wins this. My only hope is that Theo doesn't sky his and end up psychically scarred.
Gerrard scores.
Gerrard scores
Damn it. 😆
Montolivo you fucking spanner.
Montolivo misses
Great penalty by Gerrard.
Missed the goal. That's disgraceful.
He looked super nervous.
Shrek scores
PArker 😆
Don't really want Theo to take one tbh.
Wow. Just wow....
I love you Pirlo. You sexy, sexy thing.
theo will be last
Pirlo does a Panenka. 😆 He's officially the coolest person in the world now. I want to have his babies.
I want Pirlo's babies.
Sort of.