Don't know if this is really the proper thread but I'll ask it in here anyway;
How do you feel about Google Glass?
It looks really cool and I want them!
Take pics/vids without having to 'do' anything. Neat.
Share the vid/pic right away, again, without having to 'do' something. Noice!
Share what you see, live. Supercool!
Translates your voice, should you wish. Handy.
Send a message via voice control. Excellent!
Get directions right in front of you. Useful both when walking and driving I imagine.
Have the Google search by just speaking. Great!
Am I going to be subjected to having people filming me without my knowledge EVERYWHERE?! What if this catches on and every fifth person is wearing them?
How much info do I really want Google to have about me, to then sell it on to specific companies? They already know where I am all the time and what kinds of sites I visit online - but do I really want them to know what food I like, what exactly I buy in the supermarket, what specific things I watch in shop windows?
What am I to think when talking to someone wearing them? What are they going to think if I wear them? Are we really talking, or is one of us reading his e-mails as we speak? Am I being recorded?! Is this a private conversation or are you sharing it?!
How long until you get Google glass integrated into real glasses and you can hardly even detect that someone is wearing them?
I am somewhat torn here! Preferably, I'd have them and no one else...