Training with us
Looks good in the clips on scouttube
Perhaps one of you yanks, US, Cali, xc, kami, kel, can shed some light?
😆 An Arsenal player call Brek, you couldn't make this shit up.
sorry, i can shed no lights.. i know literally nothing about him... (dont follow MLS in the least)
Wait, Brek Shea is a guy?
I assumed it was like that time Perugia wanted to sign that German bird.
This must be like how it felt for Dula when he found out Tam was a bloke
I'm not sure he does know. I still get the odd, ahem, adventurous shall we say, private message from him.
It's your suggestive tag line.
Looked alright on youtube...
Can't see any reason not to take the mirrors word on this one
Carl Jenkinson wrote: Training with us Looks good in the clips on scouttube Perhaps one of you yanks, US, Cali, xc, kami, kel, can shed some light?
He's decent. If you're going to chase an MLS defender though, the best of the bunch isn't even in the national team. Chap called Omar Gonzalez. He's young, but he's strong! Tall as a tree, and a good tackler. Over-communicates. If you want to see him watch the championship game this weekend. Beckham and Keane will also be playing.
Carl Jenkinson wrote: Can't see any reason not to take the mirrors word on this one
C'mon Dules, give the kid a break until you've shean him play.
Oh really? He isn´t good enough. Better to brek it off right away IMO. Don´t want him to She things that aren´t there.
I'm not sure he's ready...
I might be ranging across a few different thread topics here but I watched Cat on a hot tin roof again last night.
Elizabeth Taylor
Err back on topic, I'd forgotten that Paul Newman's character was called Brek.
Don't trust her eyes
She had a natural double set of eyelashes!
Watched him yesterday against Slovenia, he only played in the last 20 min or so and showed absolutely nothing to warrant a move to Arsenal.
He has a shocking Almunia-esque haircut so he's definitely a no-go for me.