Don Pacifico havertz dropped back in midfield. Leo in Marti position
Haven't really created a chance this half.
daredevil 0 shots on target. we somehow got worse in the second half.
passing has been rubbish again. same against city. we seem to have a transition problem against better sides, lots of panicky rushed decisions
We just need a draw to give us some hope
Tross is boss
Always him ! TRossard
There's a major hurdle we need to cross in these huge games but I don't know if it's one single issue. I can't put my finger on it, other than don't defend like fucking morons.
Brilliant Jesus. Fucking brilliant.
Brilliant goal
Fuck yeah … whoever said we needed Jesus's quick feet and Trossard's ice cool, you nailed it 👏
Yeahhhhhh Trossard.
Trossard. What feet by Jesus. Brilliant.
What did I fucking say?????! We need skill and ingenuity and we need Jesus and Trossard.
daredevil Gotta hand it to you, you were on point there
CL Jesus has risen again
Let's fucking win this now