Well, that's not exactly what I'm saying. I'm saying that even if we create tons of good chances, Claude's stats saying that we would win that match 9/10 times aren't saying we're unlucky. They're saying we're unlikely to be so bad at shooting again, because the average team would score much more from those chances than what we managed to.
'Unlucky' would suggest that our result was due to something we can't control.
Let's say that instead of shooting, for each shot, we get to roll the dice. If the chance is 0,8+ xG you only need to roll 2 or above to get a goal, if it's 0,6+ you need to roll 3 or above etc. That's how result simulation based on xG works - it's saying given our chances, we would roll the dice high enough to win the match 9/10 times. That would be unluck. But in real life, rather than the dice, shooting is an active action you do and that you can do well or not.