Mirth wrote:
What was wrong with Bogle? As far as I know they mainly preach investing in index funds rather than the more wildly speculative BlackRock.
There's a whole lot wrong with Vanguard. Leaving aside the massive dangers their ridiculous size alone poses they're also one of the biggest lenders for short sales. They're one of the three biggest shareholders of Raytheon, Northop Grumman, Lockheed Martin Boeing literally any American bomb and arms producer you could think of. They're also the world's largest private financiers of nuclear weapons producers.
Also I'm not nearly as cool with index funds as you or Gazza seem to be but that's for macroeconomic reasons which would go too far for now. I do think it's funny though that a company that prides itself on thinking long term writes this on its website
Investment strategy SRI
The Fund employs a passive management or indexing investment strategy designed to achieve the performance of the index, by investing in all, or a representative sample of, index securities that satisfy the application of a screening process for socially responsible investing. The Fund will not hold stocks of companies in the index that do not meet specific “socially responsible” criteria.
And then they proceed to offer two such socially responsible funds out of a total of 409 on offer.