jones wrote:
Klaus wrote:
Turns out that when you cap the prime minister it stays in the news. The murder of Olof Palme is pretty much the Swedish equivalent of the Kennedy assassination. Try to imagine what it would be like if that one had never been cleared up
Not too difficult to imagine is it 😆
This seems like more of the same, only that I can't see why they'd go public and claim to have found the killer. Are there legal reasons for this? Because as you said no way he'd be prosecuted on the basis of this non evidence.
Sorry Jones, I just noticed this.
Having read up on this heavily over the last month, I think they went public because they know it's him. You have to understand how incredibly mishandled this investigation was from the beginning. Any half-competent police would have arrested Engström hours after the murder and secured evidence. Consider that this is a guy who claims he was an eye witness to the murder, was at the scene and tried to save Palme, and when the cops arrived and chased after the killer Engström claims he remembered he hadn't given them the description and chased after them but didn't find them.
No one of the other 20 people who was there saw or talked to him. They did see someone who was dressed identically, built the same way and moved in the same manner though: the gunman. The only two people he can identify on the crime scene are the only two people the murderer saw when he fled. And the next day he has the nerve to call the police and tell them that he's in fact an eyewitness and upon reading the description of the murderer in the morning paper (there was no description of the gunman in the paper) he fears his appearance has been confused with the killer's 😆
And the police, who already had theories about it being an assassination carried out by a political group, didn't investigate him properly. He kept appearing in media telling his story that contradicted every other eyewitness account, and after a while they wrote him off as a mythomaniac.
We're now 34 years into the world's biggest and most expensive murder investigation of all time, and the guy who did it, just as surely as OJ, has been dead for 20 of those years. All the technical evidence is gone. I think the new investigators that were appointed in 2018 to clean up this mess went public with his name because it would had been much, much worse if they hadn't, if they'd just locked their results away from public eyes and kept protecting the chief of police that handled the case back when it happened. It's probably the biggest scandal in the history of the Swedish police (though to no fault of the 2018 prosecutors), one big Confederacy Of Dunces who were wasting years targeting kurd separatists and then tried to frame a small-time criminal who obviously had nothing to do with the murder in order to save face, and it's important that it gets recorded as such. The narrative had to be set straight.