"The cryptocurrency uses as much CO2 a year as 1m transatlantic flights. We need to take it seriously as a climate threat" - https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2018/jan/17/bitcoin-electricity-usage-huge-climate-cryptocurrency
The most striking thing about cryptocurrency is how fucking stupid it is when you look at the mechanism of it. It's just about stupid enough to attract the kind of clueless tech-wannabe arseholes that constitute the larger crypto community. These are the kind of people who show up on Reddit or Twitter and throw a bunch of buzzwords at you and mumble something about "solving equations". Show me any university in the world where an accepted solution to "solve for x" is to just guess the value of x! You can't! Because that's not calculation. It's brute-force guesswork; and in the context of bitcoin it's brute-force guesswork that literally burns a country's worth of energy in order to get the computing power of a cheap smartphone.
Blockchain is technology that is going to be absolutely vilified by history. I was reading an old article on Reuters the other day by Dan and Alex Tapscott, who helped create a lot of the bitcoin protocols. It's written as a debunking of five popular bitcoin myths in that popular Buzzfeed fashion where a fictional audience makes a confounded statement and then the rational author of the article steps in and pats them on the head and explains what's really going on: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-blockchains-technology-commentary/commentary-five-myths-about-the-blockchain-revolution-idUSKCN0Y22GC
Their only response to their own bulletpoint, called "Blockchains have too many problems for them to be feasible", is LITERALLY this:
“Our research suggests such concerns should not go into a category called 'Reasons why this is a bad idea' but rather into a category called 'Implementation challenges.'”
That is just fucking extraordinary. 😆 It's the exact equivalent of inventors of a pyramid scheme standing up during a meeting and saying: "Now remember, this is not a pyramid scheme..." while pointing directly towards a pyramid-shaped organisation on the whiteboard behind them.