That was nice, Burns. I myself do not have the patience, and I very much disrespectfully condemn JazzG's loaded perspective on this, because I know that there is much more behind it than the guarded rationality that's being presented.
Israel is the testing ground for societies of control, the surveillance state, and white supremacist imperialism. It's a grotesque distortion of indigeneity, spirituality, and the concept of home. It is the state's state of exception, disaster capitalism codified, and it practices shameless apartheid. The militarization of police, extrajudicial murder, and the crippling of entire communities based on explicitly racist agendas is their specialization, and the US has been directly funding their efforts as research for how it can continue to "police the world", including our own people; especially Black people.
To say there is not a connection is either misguided denial or outright bigotry, and there is no conspiracy because nobody has made even half an effort to hide it. It's in plain sight for all to see.
Israel's great trick is to entangle Judaism with it's nefarious purpose, and to cry antisemitism when criticized. It's like saying criticizing Daesh is antiarabic. It makes no sense.
The "spokesperson" for the Israeli police is a liar, Peake is right, and Starmer is a pathetic worm of a man without one shred of conviction or principal other than how he believes he is perceived, i.e. pure vanity. That's all there is to it, really.