i think the problem is that each nation gets one vote. inherently, that is a good thing. but it means that liberia's opinion and vote counts as much as england's or germany's, and liberia doesn't have the resources, as a football association, to stand up to FIFA like the giants can. blatter and FIFA don't need to sway the top 25 or 30 nations in the world, they need the smaller nations to stay in line. and they can do that by promising things to those countries, promising them resources they wouldn't otherwise get. so who do you think those small nations will side with in a fight? the guy that keeps greasing it so they have a steady stream of money coming in.
nothing will happen unless the big guns full on protest a huge FIFA event. if the european superpowers + the US, brazil, argentina and mexico boycotted the 2018 world cup, it would send a pretty clear message. but that won't happen. what needs to happen is all of FIFA's members need to break away and set up their own confederation, or at least put together a serious plan to do it to try and force FIFA to clean up their act. of course, this new organization will probably be filled with the same issues facing FIFA now. people in power who get to make big decisions that have huge financial impact are prone to being unfairly influenced and manipulated. thats a reality as old as mankind itself.