General Mirth wrote: I have a feeling Fabregas to Chelsea will be the most painful transfer of the last 9 years
I have a feeling Fabregas to Chelsea will be the most painful transfer of the last 9 years
Most likely because he'll be around longer than van Cunt. And doesn't spend half of the time out injured.
Chelsea have lost that physical dominant factor which made them a top side.
Anyone else think these kits are a bit clashy?
Chelsea look really weak defensively though, Burnley getting at them with relative ease.
Burnley lucky there. Looked like the gk clipped his left foot.
Looked a pen tbh
est wrote: General Mirth wrote: I have a feeling Fabregas to Chelsea will be the most painful transfer of the last 9 years Possibly. Most likely because he'll be around longer than van Cunt. And doesn't spend half of the time out injured.
People went on about Oscar last season, Cesc will put him to shame this year.
Too easy
1-3 too easy
How come Schurrle is playing while our Germans are all out supposedly still knackered?
Blimey that's shocking defending.
Burnley will be rooted to the foot of the league all season.
Yeah time to turn off.
Hard luck Burnley, you're shit.
Agree it could be, but at least we finally have a Fabregas replacement, unlike with Van Persie.
Chelsea are absolutely ripping Burnley apart here. Burnley are just clueless, running after the ball whilst Chelsea pass it around them easily. 2 up front is leaving them open aswell. Fabregas 🙁
People forgot how good Cesc was.
Wenger so should have signed him, another transfer mistake. He pisses all over Ozil.
Still got a soft spot for Cesc, best teenager I've ever seen play the game.
Gawd. Is there going to be a load of adolescent style Cesc moping and 🙁 faces every single time Chelsea play?
Yes, better get used to it. 🙁
y va marquer wrote: Gawd. Is there going to be a load of adolescent style Cesc moping and 🙁 faces every single time Chelsea play?
The OMIT Cesc fan club are going to be very annoying all season. The ones also in the OMIT Mourinho fan club will be insufferable.
I'd rather have Ramsey than balding cunt.