Sick and tired of having this name but can't find the option to change it. Would anyone be kind enough to please help me change this horrible name?
Cheers Unfortunately the obvious Metta World Peace has been taken but you can have Ron Artest
😆 The irony, which he certainly doesn't get, is that he is one of the dirtiest players in the NBA.
Pep has dissolved parliament so he'll have to do it for you, just pm him your new name and let this be a sober lesson to you on picking a top Arsenal player from the present as a handle.
New nicks for Vantastic poll:
Dark angel Rapinrobin Bandylegged arsebandit (Although you may be confused with Banduan) Fergieslittleboy
That might cause confusion with the real Rex.
Send me a PM with your desired new nickname.
I suggest one that isn't football related, but that's just me.
Thread moved to the correct forum.
I'd suggest something more catchy, like Futtbucker.