Tony Montana wrote:
I asked whether core work tones you up. I thought that was the point of it. I didn't mean I want to have muscles without general fitness.
...and i said no. core work strengthens your core. nothing else. but it's a waste of time, as heavy squats will strengthen your core and work 80% of the muscles in your body.
if you want to tone up, lift weights 2-3 times per week, do 1-2 cardio sessions and fix you diet. that way you'll gain/maintain lean body mass, get "fit" and lose fat.
a simple program:
mon: squats, bench, rows
tue: cardio
wed: deadlift, shoulders, chins
thu: cardio
fri: squats, bench, row
do 3 sets 8-10 reps per exercise. keep cardio to a low intensity, 50-60 minutes.
reduce fat intake, get about 1,5 g of protein per lbs bw and some carbs (ca. 200-250 g per day). make sure your daily deficit is about 4-500 kcal per day.